OF THE TOWN of Nueva Era
Unlike other municipalities with legends as to how the names of their
communities evolved that of Nueva Era was simple. It was ordered by then
Governor-General Francis Burton Harrison when the town was created. The town of
Nueva Era
originated from the nine ( 9 ) settlements of Paosan, Cabittauran, Paor, Patoc,
Pagpagong, Garnaden, Bugayong, Uguis, and Tibangran. When the Spaniards set foot
on the Northern Part of the country in 1572 to spread Christianity, the
settlements were organized as Rancherias each of which under the independent
control of the chief. Acting on the petition of the chieftains of the Rancherias
of Paor and Patoc, the same were merged into one Rancheria.
In 1915, when the chiefs of the Rancherias were summoned by the Provincial
Government of Ilocos Norte, the village heads thought it best for them to
unite and form a town. Under the guidance of the Provincial Governor, they
passed a pertinent resolution.
Pursuant to the provision of Sec. 2391 of the Administrative Code and with the
favorable recommendations of the Honorable Secretary of the Interior and the
Provincial Board of Ilocos Norte, the Governor-General issued Executive Order
No. 66 on September 30, 1916 approving the formation of a new township effective
July 1, 1916.
The original inhabitants/settlers of the town of
Nueva Era
were the Tingians, descendants of the Malay Migrants. With their
idiosyncrasies, these ethnic groups were distinguisable from other immigrants.
Their culture was assimilated with those of the migrants from the towns of
Badoc, and Batac ( Ilocos Norte) and from as far as Ilocos Sur and Abra. Thus,
the tingian mother tongue was mixed with Ilocano Dialect. They have sing-song
intonation putting too much emphasis at the end of the sentence. They do not
pronounce the letter “ R” instead, “I” was pronounced as “ R “. The
Tingians have peculiar characteristics. The women were beads around their arms,
necks, and heads, with their hair parted at the middle. Some of them are Pagans
and believe in “ Anitos”. They believe that in order to free the villages
from sickness or diseases, they should have in their possession what they called
“ PACDER”, also, the entrance of the town, a little structure is built where
coconut, grains of rice, pieces of meat and other offerings are placed.
Furthermore, in order to cure their patients, they perform the “ AROPAG”, a
ritual where an offering or sacrifice is made by an old woman who acts as their
priestess. The woman dances the “ AROPAG “ and speak with anitos seeking
their help to save the life of the sick person.
The geographical condition of Nueva Era attracted the early settlers.
Between the rolling verdant hills are fertile lowlands which they converted into
productive fields. There is also the
and several streams which are the source of water to irrigate the farms. Above
all is the presence of the mountains where wild animals are hunted and crops are
planted by way of “ KAINGIN “ system. The forest also served as their
refuge, a god place for them to hide from soldiers and intruders whom they hated
very much, thus, from about a hundred settlers at the time. The settlements were
chartered as a town, the number of residents increased.
The Spanish conquistadores introduced in the
an administrative system whereby the head of a sitio was called “ TINIENTE
ABSOLUTE “ and of the town was called “ GOBERNADORCILLO “. In 1843 the
title “ GOBERNADORCILLO “ was changed to “ CAPTAIN “.
Year 1899 ushered in the American Period in the Philippine History. One of the
local administrative orders by the Americans was the installation of “
MUNICIPAL PRESIDENTS “ In the LIEU of “ CAPITANES”. From 1937 to the
present, the Local Chief Executive is referred to as “ MAYOR”.
Nueva Era, with its vast forestland, is considered a protection area
which serves as a watershed cradle in Southern Ilocos Norte. Moreover, as it was
in the past, it currently functions as supplier of agricultural and agro-forest
products like rice, corn, vegetables, tobacco, cotton, rootcrops, fruits and